FAQ - Frequently asked questions by painters

Very often it happens that we do not use up all the paint and there is more or less left in the container.

If there is a lot of it left, it is best to leave it in the original airtight container.

When you know that paint storage will last longer, place a piece of foil under the lid of the can. This will better seal the package and further protect the paint from dried residue from the lid and edges. It is also a good idea to tape the edges of the package with painter’s tape and describe its contents (color, what was painted with this paint, date of use).

If, on the other hand, there is a small amount of paint left after painting, pour it into a jar with a tight cap and describe it analogously to the can. Take care that the jar remains in a shady place. Do not put the jar with the paint with the bottom up.

Store in a dark and cool place, but above 0°C.

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Painting should be done from top to bottom. V-shaped movements are also a popular method. The movements made should be long and smooth.

We pause only when the wall is fully covered with paint.

Popular mistakes when painting include applying paint to a wet surface. So, if the wall was washed beforehand, wait until it dries, because applying paint to a wet surface negatively affects paint adhesion and promotes blistering. In general, application of the second coat should be started only when the first coat has dried, i.e. is dry to the touch. Approximate drying time is indicated on the package.

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Styline polyamide roller is a product ideally suited to the highest quality Styline paints, to their consistency.

Especially recommended for dense interior paints, it is characterized above all by high performance. The 12-millimeter pile height ensures perfect application, is durable, does not spill, perfectly distributes the paint. The roller is made of very good quality plating so that it is not disposable. However, be sure to wash it thoroughly after work. Reliable and easy to clean.

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Approximate consumption of the product is included on the package. However, if you run out of paint you need to buy more. In the case of Styline products, on the website www. Styline.eu in the “Find a store” tab, type the name of the province, town and choose the store nearest to you.

It is best to call and give information from the package what kind of paint we need, or show the label from the package in the store, in particular pay attention that the batch number of the paint is the same. The seller will inform us about its availability, or direct us to another place.

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The wall surface should be gently matted so as to improve the adhesion of the new coatings. The next step is to prime the wall surface with Latex Style Primer, and then paint it with decorative paint.

The first step is to protect the areas where cracks occur. How to do this? The best way is to use mesh or special anti-crack tape,
Then the surface should be plastered,
In order to obtain a perfectly smooth surface it should be sanded,
The next step is to prime and paint the wall surface.

Such application is possible, but we do not recommend such a solution. The manufacturer is not responsible for possible negative effects, such as uneven distribution of paint, the occurrence of discoloration or peeling of paint after drying.

Acrylic and emulsion paints can be diluted with water, as it is the dominant ingredient in their composition and therefore these products are relatively easy to remove from the roller. For this, we simply need warm soapy water, which should cope with even intense dirt.

For heavier dirt, place the paint roller in water for at least several hours, and preferably overnight, before washing. If you’re cleaning the roller, be sure to disassemble it and remove paint from hard-to-reach areas and handles. Once removed, the paint should come off easily.

Rollers can be dirty with dust or loose fibers, so it’s a good idea to rinse and dry them before you start painting.

* A roller that has been used to paint walls with colored paint is not suitable for painting another white surface.

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After sanding and before applying paint, the wall should be cleaned.

First with a vacuum cleaner and then prime with a penetrating primer.

If necessary, dilute with clean water (for the first painting max. 10% by volume, for the second max. 5%). The amount of water depends on the application and the tool used. A Technical Card is made for each product, which informs about the preparation of the product.

What if too much water is added? We will reduce the covering power of the product.

If you use a standard paper tape, you need to peel it off wet, when the paint has not yet had time to dry well. Do it in a smooth motion – do not jerk the tape (it may break), because the paint droplets may stain the protected part.

– Too thin a layer of paint

One coat of paint is usually not enough to thoroughly and evenly cover the entire surface. Look for information on the recommended number of coats on the paint package.

– Application temperature too low or high

– Tools or paint of poor quality

Poor-quality paint brushes or rollers, as well as poor-coverage paint unsuitable for the surface, can also be responsible for streaks.

– Unmixed paint

Before you start applying paint, you should mix it thoroughly. The idea is to get a uniform consistency without lumps. We can use a longer bar or an electric mixer for this purpose.

– Unprimed wall

Primer applied before painting not only gives the surface a uniform texture, but also makes the wall absorb paint evenly. Priming is an essential step, preparing the surface for painting.

– Inaccurately cleaned wall

It is best not only to vacuum it, but also to wash it with degreasing painter’s soap or water with detergent.

– Painting over a wet wall

After washing the wall, wait until it is fully dry. Also, do not apply another coat of paint while the previous one is still wet, it will lose adhesion in wet areas and form stains or streaks.

– Incorrect paint application technique

A common reason for uneven distribution of paint on the wall is the method of painting. It is best to do it according to the wet edge principle, i.e., run the roller over, overlapping the still-wet border of the previous stroke. We should also make vertical movements to one side or in a V-shape.

– Pressing the roller too hard against the walls

Streaks can also appear if we press the paint roller too hard against the wall. With a thick product, we will leave spots. Rarer ones will splatter and run off, making streaks.

– Dry roller

A roller that is too dry, that is, insufficiently saturated with paint, can also be a problem. It is a good idea to soak the roller in water and drain it thoroughly. A damp one will accept thick paint better.

– Paint that is too thick or too thinned

Paint that is too thick can leave stains, while heavily diluted paint can run off the painted surface. Also check the information on the package to see if the manufacturer recommends thinning it

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The most suitable room temperature is between 18 and 23ºC. Also, the temperature of the walls should not be significantly lower. This will ensure that the paint dries at the right rate and evenly.

To avoid the formation of visible joints, paint in a single process line (wet-on-wet method) under stable heat and humidity conditions.

For painting the ceiling, we recommend Styline PREMIUM TITANIUM MATT – ANTIREFLECTIVE – the highest quality decorative latex paint, deeply matt. It avoids the effect of ceiling shining and obtains a very decorative coating. The paint spreads perfectly on the surface and dries optimally.

Washing the wall before painting will affect the direct application of paint on it, increase the paint coverage parameters and reduce the absorbency of the substrate. Washing is advisable when in the room, frequented by smokers. Tobacco stains on the walls can have a bad effect on the painting work itself. You also need to get rid of soot and greasy stains. You need to pay attention to them especially in the kitchen, where grease regularly settles on the tiles and walls.

To wash the wall before painting, just lukewarm water is enough, but most often you will need a painter’s soap. It has in its composition two types of soap: sodium and potassium. Such soap, when diluted in water, will wash away not only dust, but also the other dirt mentioned above.

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The paint is applied to the wall in overlapping strips, joining successive parts of the coating. It is best to use the “V” painting technique, i.e., first apply two strips of paint in a “V” shape, and then fill the area between them. This ensures that the paint is evenly distributed over the wall.

Priming allows you to strengthen and prepare the surface for further painting work. Priming preparations: equalize and reduce the absorbency of the substrate, reduce the degree of its porosity, eliminate dustiness. Priming walls facilitates the even distribution of paints, ensures their good adhesion and increases efficiency.


For interior priming we recommend Styline products:

ACRYLEX – PRIMER – intended for substrates that are not very compact and dusty, absorbent where we have problems with adhesion

LATEX STYLE PRIMER – UNDERCOAT – especially recommended under paints with intense colors and on low-absorbent substrates where we have problems with coverage. Increases adhesion to smooth, non-absorbent substrates.

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There may be several causes:

– too high ambient humidity

– moisture in the wall

– too low a temperature during application

– too thick a layer applied

– failure to observe time intervals between successive layers of paint


What to do:

Check that the temperature in the room is sufficiently high – the optimal temperature is +10°C to + 25°C and the relative humidity of the air should be in the range of 50%-65%.

You need to remember to check in the technical sheet before each painting whether the conditions under which the paint is applied and the way it is applied are in accordance with Styline’s recommendations.

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